Firstly, can you give us and our viewers an update on your health and explain to what happened earlier this year?
Reece: Thanks for the time for the interview, late February I was admitted to the hospital with stage 4 kidney failure and servere muscle breakdown. The doctors explained that though I've cut it close (putting it mildly haha) my kidneys have returned to normal, though I'll have to take more care and my muscles should potentially heal after some time.
What are your plans in the future? A return to competing?
Reece: Yes hopefully. Once lockdown is complete I'll get cleared by my doctor for the last niggling issues and I'll be back on the grind (with adjustments of course!)

Photo Credit: Em's Photos UK
What has been your proudest achievement to date?
Reece: It has to be winning the Irish open in 2015. It was the moment everything clicked for me as a fighter, coming off the loss back in 2014, my dad and coach looked at me and said this was your shot and you didn't train for it, so pretty much as we touched back down in England I was training like there was no tomorrow, 2015 rolled around and I was a new man with a new mentality with all the gold to show for it.
Your sister Asia is a formidable fighter, how often did you two spar?
Reece: Every session we could. If she needed a heavy hitter, wanted to test something out or just wanted to beat me out of sibling rivalry, she'll find her way over and we'll go a few rounds, though the punches are getting a little stiff these days...

Photo Credit: Em's photos UK
Talk to us more about your club...
Reece: It started back in 2004 with me, my dad, Dominic Speccio and brothers Dave & Darren Chapman. We're a small club, growing larger and stronger as time goes on. We've all gone on to win our fair share of titles and are making sure to pass our knowledge on to the new generation.
Who has been your toughest opponent to date and why?
Reece: That's a tough one! It's a toss up between Jamie Moore and Aleksandr Glushkov. Both hit like 2 ton trucks and are fast to boot. There's still stuff I don't know about Aleksandr because he stopped me but with Jamie, his ring control and boxing is something else.

What are the plans for the Northants Open this year? With COVID-19, will it go ahead?
Reece: That one only time will tell. With hopes, yes, so long as its safe to do so but its something we will have to keep an eye on and overcome the hurdles as we come to them.
Finally, give us your top 5 sports martial arts moments from your career so far.
1 - Irish Open 2015 Champion, obviously!
2 - Winning 3rd place at the 2017 World Championships, everything from the fights to the team.
3 - The show stopper I had with Micheal Cole in the Watford Open 2019 final, it was one of the closest fights I've had in sometime.
4 - Fighting MVP in the 2011 Watford Open semi final, a fight I never pictured happening.
5 - Just training with my family, before February it was something I took almost for granted. Now I'm happy to be able to keep training and coaching with them, in any capacity.

Thanks Reece!
Reece: Thanks for your time as well, stay safe.